LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Can anyone help mw with meshing a simulation of a bird strike event using SPH method?

      I am new to this Ansys software. I am recently doing a project of simulating a bird event. For this project I need to mesh the bird with hexahedral element (then converted to smooth particle), and the airfoil with shell elements of 0.5mm with seven integration points, with average element size of 10mm. nI just need to the procedure for doing this meshing. nThanks in advance. n n
    • Chris Quan
      Ansys Employee

      If you set the Reference Frame of the Bird to Particle and its Meshing method to Discrete Element, program will create SPH particles automatically, no matter what element type is used for the Bird.


      Firstly thank you for answering my doubt. But option for changing reference frame to particle is not showing, only lagrangian and eulerian is shown.

    • MaAdel


      I'm same in your situation

      Could you tell me how you fixed, please


      Hi Maadel,

      Firstly sorry for the delay in my response. Please do have a look at this youtube video by CADFEM, its given in Russian language, but you will get an idea to start with. Hope you will figure out with this.

      Best Regards,

      Joel George.

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