General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Buckling plate with rotationally restrained edges

    • lidianne.pinto


      How are the rotationally restrained edges modeled? The spring constante is 100 N.m/m

      By applying a Remote Displacement boundary condition,  I obtained the same buckling load as that obtained for a plate simply supported on four sides.

      What are the boundary conditions for the side that has elastic constraints? I considered null displacement in y, restricted rotation in x and remote displacement (rotation). For rotation, I considered a unitary moment applied to the longitudinals. This way, the applied rotation is rot: 1/100 rad = 0.5729°. It is worth mentioning that M=k*rot (k=100 N.m/m).

      See the figures, please.




    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      Perhaps you could scope a torsional spring to the edge using deformable behavior.  

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