General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Bonded contact showing penetration in Modal Analysis

    • huizhelucyzhao


      I am running a simple modal analysis. A number of my bonded contacts are showing crazy penetration in the mode shapes. I ran contact analysis and the problematic contacts are shown as "closed" with zero penetration and zero gap in the analysis (so they should be good). Please see the images below and let me know how to fix this problem in the modal analysis.

      Initial contact analysis shows everything is good: 

      Mode shape showing crazy penetration (the circled section should be concentric cylinder midsurface (thickness effect on) bonded together, but they've fully separated in the mode shape):

      The above is mode 1, viewed on true scale.


    • huizhelucyzhao

      I received help from Ansys. It turns out MPC was not detecting contacts between shell and solid. Switching to Augmented Lagrange formulation for these contacts solved the issue.

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