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Ansys ACP – creating accurate material

    • mateusz.urbaniak


      im a formula student engineer and I've started working on composite simulations.

      Im trying to simulate sandwich structures and I want to achieve best results by defining the materials we use, since in engineering data source there is a limited choice. I also want to validate the results with existing structures.

      I've just learned about ansys granta edupack and I am on my way to getting a licence for that. Is it any good for my application?

      We use Angeloni gg200t for example and some Toray based fabrics. We use resin infusion process using epoxy resin. I have datasheets for every material.

      How and what information do I have to input to Ansys to achieve best results and acurately simulate our existing laminates?

    • Raman Babu
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Mateusz,

      ACP requires lamina-level properties for structure behavior evaluation. You need to define orthotopic elasticity properties for strength, and orthotopic stress/strain failure limit for first-ply failure simulation.

      If you have a material that is not available in Engineering Data, you can directly feed the above data in orthotropic elasticity & orthotropic stress & strain limit. If you have fiber and matrix properties separately, you need to evaluate combined properties through experiments or using material design tool.


      Raman Babu

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