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2D Steady case gas-solid two phase flow, where can I find the mass of particle

    • ll00023

      where can I find the mass flow rate of particle parcels?

      From Fluent manual, the mass of particle parcels is uniform if I didn't choose randomize starting point.

      Q1: based on my setting, DPM streams should have same mass, is it correct?

      Q2: Each parcel could be regarded as a representative particle; so how fluent makes a parcel, by grouping particles with similar diameters?

      Q3: Why could not I find the surface option in my FLUENT interface?


      Thank you.

      Fig 1. my case 

      Fig 2. Fluent manual

    • Supreetha J
      Forum Moderator
      Yes, mass of particle parcels should indeed be uniform.
      Each parcel is representative of a fraction of the total continuous mass flow rate (in Steady tracking) and they are formed by grouping particles with similar characteristics and properties defined in the DPM.
      For detailed information on setting initial conditions for the Discrete phase, kindly refer to the User's guide https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v231/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_sec_discrete_initial.html%23flu_ug_sec_discrete_surface_props
      If you are not able to access the link, please refer to this forum discussion: /forum/forums/topic/using-help-with-links/#latest
      Regarding Surface options, this could be because of older Fluent version and the options are listed on the bottom left of the image shared.
      Thank you.
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