Thank you Mr.KARNOS! The problem has been solved!
The client (under maintenance) has a disco_level1 license that cannot run Spaceclaim 19.1 (which is a disc_ess/disc_sta/disc_ult license)
By upgrading SC and the server license to 2021R1 it works.
Summary of the ANSYS answer:Â
I believe the following to be true:
At 19.1, Discovery SpaceClaim needed:
ANSYS Discovery Essentials   disc_essÂ
ANSYS Discovery Standard   disc_staÂ
ANSYS Discovery Ultimate    disc_ult
At 2021 R1, Discovery SpaceClaim needed:
ANSYS Academic Associate Mechanical and CFD Â Â aa_a Â
ANSYS Academic Associate CFD Â Â aa_a_cfdÂ
ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical and CFD Â Â aa_rÂ
ANSYS Academic Research CFD Â Â aa_r_cfd
ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical   aa_r_meÂ
ANSYS Discovery Live Student   aa_s_discÂ
ANSYS Academic Teaching Mechanical and CFD Â Â aa_t_aÂ
ANSYS Academic Teaching CFD Â Â aa_t_cfdÂ
ANSYS Academic Teaching Mechanical   aa_t_meÂ
ANSYS Discovery Essentials Enterprise   disc_essÂ
ANSYS Discovery Standard Enterprise   disc_staÂ
ANSYS Discovery Ultimate Enterprise   disc_ultÂ
Discovery - Level 1 Â Â disco_level1
The license file the customer has looks to be for 2021 R1 and newer.
The license includes: Â Discovery Level 1: Â disco_level1
Which was added at 2021 R1.