José Mantovani

Hello Raef.

First, congratulations for your videos, its great. I did with the parameters that give me Re = 20 and Re = 40 and I modeled it as stable, and for Re = 100 I modeled it as transient, but for Re=20 did not get convergence in 7000 iterations, I believe it's my mesh ... I'll check what you told me. Maybe, that do not need so many cells? And another question, with what you told me should I make hexahedral meshes to get convergence? I'm interested in validating my results, compare with experimental data. So if you could give me tips on how to proceed a mesh to get convergence would you use inflation in the region of the wall and look for greater orthogonality?

Raef if you can help me in another simple thing, whenever I import points from a file txt file of an airfoil I open in the modeler design, I create the surface everything normal but always the rope stays with 100m and not 1m. What can it be? I use units in meters, for all.

Thanks for the attention, have a g'day.