Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Optics Rotation of cylindrical lens affects other surfaces Reply To: Rotation of cylindrical lens affects other surfaces


Hello, thank you for the response.

What I am still confused about is: why do the rays not appear to change before the second cylindrical lens in your example? What I would like to do is rotate a single cylindrical lens such that the axes the rays converge and collimate in will switch.

In your example, when the first lens is not rotated, (ignoring the second lens for now) the rays converge in the first orientation and are collimated in the second orientation. I would like for a single lens rotation to collimate the rays in the first orientation and converge the rays in the second orientation.

I attached an example of what I am talking about.  A setup with a single lens should still change the beam right? I have not seen a difference whether I  set tilt to 0 or 90 degrees.