Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Error 60011 in *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD_DIRECT simulation Reply To: Error 60011 in *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD_DIRECT simulation

Thank you for your response.
I am running the 2024 R2, so I do not think the problem is related to the software version.
However, I have sort of solved the problem (or at least it no longer appears in the log as the simulation is nominally running) by removing the boundary condition related keyword from the model. I had two edges clamped. To implement the BCs I used the *BOUNDARY_SPC_SET keyword as I used to do in explicit simulations.
- Is this keyword compatible with *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD_DIRECT simulation? 
- Could this be the source of the error?
- Is there any other way to implement a BCs?

Kind regards,