Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Embedded Software How to use `$@$` as input operator of iterator(e.g. map)? Reply To: How to use `$@$` as input operator of iterator(e.g. map)?

Benjamin Descorps
Ansys Employee


It is not possible to use directly the concatenation operator through an iterator. But you can through an intermediate operator. Here is the piece of code that should match your need:

function mapOp(arr1,arr2: int8 ^ 2 ^ 3) returns (oarr: int8 ^ 4 ^ 3)
      oarr = (map Op <<3>>)(arr1, arr2);
function #pragma kcg expand #end Op(i1, i2 : int8 ^2) returns (o : int8 ^4)
      o = i1 @ i2;
Hope this helps,