Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Question about hfss_gui as a Connection Debugging Symptom and its Cause Reply To: Question about hfss_gui as a Connection Debugging Symptom and its Cause


Good morning, 

What you write is correct as we understand it. Ansys staff condensed its licence feature name count so that only commercial feature names are used. This change was implemented a couple of years ago. 

Our question is: Feature hfss_gui appears to be used as part of a notification when Ansys EDT cannot connect to a licence server. We have included here an example for Ansys 2024 R2 (HFSS). Is there any other condition that would cause this feature report to appear, excepting a 'feature not found' situation? 

We are asking on behalf of a client. Thank you for reviewing our request.