Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Red net names in Nets listing in AED Reply To: Red net names in Nets listing in AED


Yang thank you for the response. I have a follow up question. If the design is an imported Allegro .brd file how does AED determine which nets to automatically assign to the Power/GND nets? It doesn't seem to be based on whether the Net Type in Allegro is set to Signal vs. Power or whether the Net Class is set to PWR or None. It seems to mainly classify copper pour regions it sees in the .brd file as Power/GND but I noticed that it doesn't classify all copper pour regions as such. The only other criteria I can see is it is based on a parsing of the net name to figure out it is a power/GND net when it finds net names such as "1P3_SUPPLY_A" or "1V35" but it also seems to classify nets with names such as "SYNC", "TX1A_N", "UNNAMED..." as power/GND as well.