Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Absorption cross-section of AuNR excited by prism-based TIR Reply To: Absorption cross-section of AuNR excited by prism-based TIR


Hi, I simplified the geometry as follows:

I want to realize the total internal reflection at the interface between ITO and water. 

As a result, I got the following absorption cross-section. 

I performed 4 AuNRs by rotating 30 degrees and observed a constant 445 nm peak and 660 nm cutoff. 
However, I still see the peak at around 530 nm (I believe this is a transverse mode of localized surface plasmon resonance), and it changed as a function of the polarization angle. 

Do you know why I saw the constant absorption cross-section cutoff? 
I'd appreciate your response. 
