Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Transmit boundary – reflection / perturbation of pressure waves Reply To: Transmit boundary – reflection / perturbation of pressure waves


Hi Chris, hi Erik,

Thanks for you reply.

The goal here is to model the impact of an energy beam. I am using a sub-routine to input a FLUKA (energy deposition code) map at the beginning of the simulation. We are interested in monitoring how far the beam penetrates the target.

I tried with the "Flow Out" boundary condition + Sub option "Flow out (Euler)" + Preferred Material "the target material" but I obtained excatly the same results as in the simulation without any boundary conditions.

Yes, I checked and the soundspeed of the material is well defined, around 4100 m/s, which is the case here 0.4 mm / 1e-4 ms = 4000 m/s.

Thanks for your help,
