Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical How to get permanent or plastic displacement Reply To: How to get permanent or plastic displacement

Kaushal Vadnere
Ansys Employee


There is no result object by the name of plastic/elastic deformation or discplacement.
But if you look at Total Deformation, it is a combination of elastic deformation + plastic deformation (hence the name ‘Total’). Even after your material goes into plastic region, it continues to develope some elastic strain, but this elastic deformation is very low compared to plastic. As elastic deformation is reversible, once you release the pressure, that very small amount of elastic deformation restores and what you are ultimately left with is, permanent deformation in the material. To demonstrate, I setup a simple cantilever beam simulation with one end fixed and some force applied at other end. Once the force is deactivated in 2nd step, you can see in the graph that maximum total deformation value (20.019mm max at the end of time step 1) drops to a certain value and then it stabilizes at that value.

So, you can consider that final value (which is closer to 19mm here) as the permanent deformation in the material. But make sure, the mesh is sufficiently fine to capture important details in your model.