Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Multiple Material Curves Selection? Reply To: Multiple Material Curves Selection?

Kaushal Vadnere
Ansys Employee

Yes, setting reference temperature value to 121 degC / 20 degC will tell the solver which curve to use out of the two defined.

But, Reference Temperature is body specific, in case if you have an assembly/multiple structural bodies and want the same reference temperature across all bodies, you will have to manually set the Reference Temperature for every individual body. In that case to reduce your effort, you can keep the Reference Temperature as 'By Environment' (which is the default option) for all bodies (instead of 'By Body') and in details of Static Structural, you can set 'Environment Temperature' as the desired one. See screenshot below.

In case you have multiple structural bodies with different Reference Temperatures, it can be set to “By Body” and you can input desired strain-free temperature for every individual body as you have done here.
