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I should have specified that I am modeling the radiation of a surface with the air at an ambient temperature. In my model, the air is represented by the extranode added using the keyoption (5). I don't have any problems with the modeling process. However, I am unable to display the radiation boundary condition (BC) applied to the surface, as I can with convection.

P.S. I am using this method because I can easily get the heat flux (W/m²) exchanged between the surface and the extranode representing the ambient air using the following commands:

allsel                              ! Selects all entities
nsel,s,node,,n_max+1                ! Selects the extranode
heat_flux = total_heat_flow_rate/Length_of_the_surface

Getting the heat flux when using the rdsf method is very complicated since the only ways to get it are either fsum or prrsol,heat, which provide the sum of all reactions (in our case, the total heat flow rate [W/linear meter]) and need to be divided or multiplied by the number of elements on the surface.