Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Incomplete harmonic forces data when exporting from Ansys maxwell Reply To: Incomplete harmonic forces data when exporting from Ansys maxwell

Tamami Yamanaka
Ansys Employee


Check the analysis settings to confirm that each load step corresponds to the different speeds you're interested in and that the frequency range is correctly defined for each step.

Maxwell Help > Maxwell Coupling > Maxwell Harmonic Force Coupling > Maxwell One-Way Coupling with Ansys Mechanical: 
Ansys Maxwell 2024 R2 - Maxwell One-way Coupling with Ansys Mechanical

Maxwell Help > Maxwell Coupling > Maxwell Multiple RPM Harmonic Force Coupling > Harmonic Force Coupling for Inverter-Fed Motors: 
Ansys Maxwell 2024 R2 - Harmonic Force Coupling for Inverter-Fed Motors