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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Non-Convex Cells in ANSYS Forte Reply To: Non-Convex Cells in ANSYS Forte

Judy Cooper
Ansys Employee

Control point 3 should be placed just above the bulge, where the bowl profile starts  (sorry, I can't  recommend a value, as I am unfamiliar with the geometry, but the node bunching looks wrong, like everything is pulled upwards.)  It could be that your bowl profile includes part of the vertical section above the bowl.

For alternate imports, you could try importing surfaces from a Fluent tet mesh file.  

Named Selections cannot be imported directly from STL files modified in SpaceClaim into Forte. This information is only stored in SpaceClaim's .scdoc files, which are not currently supported by Forte. 

To retain Named Selections in Forte, one send the SpaceClaim geometry to ANSYS Meshing, mesh with tets and then export the resulting mesh as a Fluent .msh file. This can then be imported into Forte, which will remesh the interior