
Hello Reno,

Still I am not able to figure out. 

1) I have tried to run the R11 solver, and I can only see the below options while setting the environmental variables

I can only see 3 options in the Licence type. And regarding the server hostname field, is it just the IP address of the client pc or can i just place the "HOSTNAME" or "hostname"


2) I have downloaded another lsdyna as you have mentioned.

it works perfectly when i give the command "./ls-dyna_smp_d_R15_0_2_x64_centos79_ifort190_sse2/ls-dyna_smp_d_R15_0_2_x64_centos79_ifort190_sse2"  in the terminal

But i think i couldnt specify the environmental variables in my client machine. By using 
export LSTC_LICENSE=ansys
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@hostname_Ansys_License_Server
it seems i can set them to only current session. And also I have doubt at -hostname_Ansys_licence_server , should i place as it is or the original name of the client machine.

and after setting the environmental variables like above should i edit in the fileds of

Please let me know what to do