Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Taper simulation – EME Reply To: Taper simulation – EME

Amrita Pati
Ansys Employee

Hi Dinka,

The mode profiles that you have showed, are they the fundamental mode at the input/output waveguides? 

What is the mesh resolution in the transverse direction?

Try increasing the size of the ports and see if that makes a difference in the effective index. Typically, we recommend the source span to be large enough to have the fields decayed sufficiently enough (close to 1e-05 of the peak) at the edges of the source.

You can select "user-select" in Mode selection in each port and then click on "Select Mode" to run the eignmode solver (just like an FDE simulation), this will give you more insights into the guided modes supported by the structure and then you can select the fundamental mode there.

Also try switching from "Metal" to "PML" for y-boundaries, does that make any difference?
