Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Contact for 2D and 3D Mixed Dimension Analysis Reply To: Contact for 2D and 3D Mixed Dimension Analysis

Kaushal Vadnere
Ansys Employee

My apologies for misinterpreting your question. I tried a simple test case of a camshaft to check the issue. The cam lobe is modelled as 3D body and the shaft is modelled as 2D axisymmetric body.

Are you defining 2D behaviour as '2D axisymmetric' or 'General axisymmetric'? I would suggest you to use 'General Axisymmetric' under the body definitions. Create a new coordinate system with one of the axes aligned with the axis of symmetry and then add General axisymmetric under the symmetry object and scope the new COS to it (see image below, X-axis is aligned with the axis of symmetry). Please refer to this article from Ansys help document regarding general axisymmetry: 15.1.4. General Axisymmetric Overview (

Using General axisymmetry, I was able to solve without any errors.

Let me know if this helps.
