Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics How to make a mapping image E=f(x,y) Reply To: How to make a mapping image E=f(x,y)

Guilin Sun
Ansys Employee

Unfortunately we do not have access to this paper. However, you can easily get the 2D map of the E field: since it is only a function of diameter and frequency, and you are sweeping the diameter, you only need a point monitor. Where to place this point monitor is up to you. It can be located at a specific point, which is the easiest way; you can also use a 3D monitor to get the max intensity inside the nanoparticle or including some outside region. Usually there is a "focus"  spot with the highest intensity. To get this max intensity, you will need an analysis group, or inside the model, to use script to pickup the monitor data, eg



and output the E2max from model or analysis group. Every sweep can directly extract this data E2max from model or analysis group. Therefore after sweep the diameter you will be able to get the 2D map of the max intensity. Note that this is not at one single position.