Sometimes it is good to run your input in batch mode. It is easier to find the error messages that way. When I do that with your input above I see the error:
*** WARNING *** Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CP = Â Â Â 0.109 Â TIME= 10:53:30
 No valid degree of freedom labels were input.  The D command is     Â
That can be fixed like below:
! D,ALL,, , , , ,, , , , ,UZ
I also saw these warnings during solution:Â
*** WARNING *** Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CP = Â Â Â 0.266 Â TIME= 10:53:30
 Node 97 on element 1 is unselected.
That can be fixed with nsel,all before solution.
Your boundary condition at the vertical edges is an axial constraint. That doesn't seem right. Check your boundary conditions interactively with /pbc,all,1 and nplot.