Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Assistance Needed for Mesh Sizing Reply To: Assistance Needed for Mesh Sizing

Rahul Kumbhar
Ansys Employee

Hi Badr Albeshri,

What is the thickness of mid body? It appears you want to control size of elements on top face and make coarser elements on the bottom side. Due to small thickness it is not possible to transition from 1mm to 10 mm size. You can try one appraoch where you can define sweep mesh method for this body. then select the side face(normal to Z) as source face. For the top edge of the side face define edge sizing 1mm and bottom edge of this side face, define edge size of 10mm. Note that at least 6-10 elements would be required in the thickness for smooth transition from 1mm size to 10 mm size.