Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Server unreachable or licenses could not be found Reply To: Server unreachable or licenses could not be found

Ansys Employee

@Antonia Ghita, 

That indicates that your client/local computer is not able to connect/communicate with the server on the TCP ports used by the Ansys license manager.

  • Check with your IT/license server admins is the license manager is configured for shared license access.
    >>Configuring the Ansys license manager for shared access – Ansys Optics 
  • And make sure that your local computer can connect and allowed access to the license server on your local network (LAN).
  • If you are connecting via Internet, consult with your institution's IT/admins on how to connect to the server. 
    i.e. you are at home and connecting to the server on your institution's network via the internetÂ