Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Fatigue calculation scaling solution Reply To: Fatigue calculation scaling solution

Ashish Khemka
Forum Moderator

In addition, please see if the following information helps you:

To calculate fatigue in LS-PrePost, you can use the fatigue analysis method provided within the tool. You would need to select the appropriate fatigue definition type, stress value type for the S-N curve, and apply the stress scale factor for S-N curve ordinates. Additionally, you can define different fatigue settings using the provided buttons in the NVH Dialog of LS-PrePost [1]. URL: [1]

For calculating tooth fatigue in Ansys ncode Workbench, after setting up material properties and load using Material Mapping and Load Mapping, you can solve the model for fatigue life. Ansys Mechanical Fatigue Tool uses Solution Combinations to calculate fatigue life for time step loading, utilizing specific equations for alternating stress and mean stress [3]. URL: [3]

Please note that the D3plot file from LS-DYNA can be used in the process, as it contains the necessary simulation results that can be analyzed for fatigue.



Ashish Khemka