Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Preprocessing Topology does not match the blade profile Reply To: Topology does not match the blade profile

Mohsin Bashir

Tried your approach but the results are much worse as you can see in the above pictures...

The reason why i export the geomtery from bladegen to igs is becuase i have to parameterize the geometry in CATIA. But the problem is the mesh is not accurate even for the geometry exported from bladegen as igs using export points method.

The workflow i want to achieve is: Bladegen-->igs --CATIA--Parameterization-->igs --(import)-->design modeler --(use export points method)-->turbogrid

But mesh does not fit even for following cases:

  1. bladegen-->igs--(import)-->design modeler --(use export points method)-->turbogrid
  2. bladegen-->turbogrid