Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Representation and Meshing of thin bodies / surface coatings in Maxwell Reply To: Representation and Meshing of thin bodies / surface coatings in Maxwell

Joshua Igl


Hello HDLI, 

thank you for your response. Unfortunately I was not able to solve the problem yet. 

With the classic mesh option and dynamic surface resolution, I still run into errors. I attached a Screenshot from the Message Manager, it seems like it is not able to create the mesh for the thin objects. As I understand it, the reason is the large model dimensions relative to the thin thickness.

I also tried to use the eddy current solver and set the adaptive frequency to 5 Hz (do I need to set a lower or higher frequency to be close to magnetostatic?). With this setup, I deleted the Solids (which I created from the faces in the magnetostatic setup) and made a thin layer boundary on these faces with a thickness of 100 nm and defined a permeabilty instead – this seems to be a promising method but it says “Process ‘3dedy’ terminated abnormally.  It may have run out of memory or could have been killed by the user.”. I attached a screenshot of the Message Manager of this setup as well. It should not be a memory issue through licensing, since I am not using a student but a research Licence.

I would be very thankful for any further advice, thank you again for your help so far. 
