Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Ansys Fluent licensing on a small supercomputer Reply To: Ansys Fluent licensing on a small supercomputer

Tom Lehmann



2024/05/13 17:08:13 INFO Starting Licensing Client Proxy server. 2024/05/13 17:08:13 INFO /apps/spack/opt/spack/linux-rocky8-zen4/gcc-13.2.0/FLUENT_2024R1/ansys_inc/v241/licensingclient/linx64/ansyscl -acl 1830605.26350 -nodaemon -log /root/.ansys/ansyscl.vegaln2.1830605.26350.log 2024/05/13 17:08:13 INFO Started ANSYSLI server. 2024/05/13 17:08:14 CLIENT_CONNECT 2024/05/13 17:08:14 NEW_CONNECTION Connected to Licensing Client Proxy server: 35233@ 2024/05/13 17:08:14 INFO Parent Child context created with id d5d723cd-1f83-4890-8430-ed102e9ca587. 2024/05/13 17:08:14 DENIED cfd_solve_level2 24.1 (2023.1025) 1/0/0/0 Version of vendor daemon is too old. Feature: cfd_solve_level2 License path: FlexNet Licensing error:-83,147