Okay, it is a bit of a long story as to how I got into this situation with the primary flow solution generated in another code... definetly not ideal.Â
I have been doing tests of the scalar transport part of the problem with a simplified version of the flow generated in Fluent so I was aware of turning off the equations. That portion of the work is going well.Â
Both codes are cell-centered. My csv file of point data profile has all the flow variables at cell centers for the entire mesh.
Working with a simple test problem, constant property single phase turbulent flow in a cavity. I examined the difference between the imported fixed value velocity solution and the flow solution obtained directly in Fluent. The difference is most significant at the wall suggesting to me there are some differences being caused by the turbulence model but it is not clear to me how that would effect the mass concervation of the fixed value flow? Â
If my entire velocity and turbulence fields are fixed is fluent not just solving the pressure equation to calculate the flux? and would that not just depend on density? I would expect the momentum to not balance if the turbulent viscosity differed due to differences in turbulence modeling but I'm not sure how that would effect mass conservation.Â