Keniel Peart

Hi Randyk 

Thank you for your response . Below is my slurm file can you please assist in telling me where exactly is appropriate for the export line

I have highlighted the 3 places i was thinking ... also please find my ironscript attached . Appreciatre you assistance


# SLURM job script to run Ansys in parallel on a single node using 4 CPUs

#SBATCH --job-name      SAR_gpu_script

#SBATCH --time          60:00:00          # Wall time

#SBATCH -p gtx1080

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1

#SBATCH --ntasks=40                        # Number of processes

#SBATCH --nodes=1


#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL 


module load ansysewb/23.2


echo "\$begin 'Config' " > ${OPT_FILE}

#echo "'HFSS/SolveAdaptiveOnly'=O" >>  ${OPT_FILE}

#echo '"HFSS 3D Layout Design/MPIVendor"="Intel"' >> $OPT_FILE

#echo '"tempdirectory"="$SCRATCH"' >> $OPT_FILE

#echo '"Desktop/ProjectDirectory"="$SCRATCH"' >> $OPT_FILE


#echo '"Send Config"' >> $OPT_FILE


machines=$(srun bash -c 'hostname' | sort | uniq | awk -v ntasks="$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE" '{print $1 ":" ntasks}' | paste -s -d ',')

#machines=$(srun bash -c 'hostname -s' | sort | uniq | awk '{print $1 ":" 40}' | paste -s -d ':')

echo $machines


# Run ansys commands in file plate in batch mode

#( the -m & -db flags increase the total amount of memory usable by ansys)


ansysedt -features=beta -ng -runscriptandexit  -batchsolve -distributed -machinelist list=$machines -monitor -batchoptions ${OPT_FILE} "ANSYSEM_FEATURE_SF6694_NON_GRAPHICAL_COMMAND_EXECUTION_ENABLE=1" "EnbleGPU=1" SAR_simulationi.aedt