Prabha prasad Nair


I tried to run this code. But, I can't generate a grid of data. This is the grid of theta and phi angles generated by the code for one monitor as following:

m="Monitor1";  # Monitor name
res = 201;    # projection resolution
E2 = farfield3d(m,1,res,res);
ux = farfieldux(m,1,res,res);
uy = farfielduy(m,1,res,res);
theta = linspace(-90,90,100); 
phi = 0;
plot(theta, farfieldspherical(E2,ux,uy,theta,phi) ,"theta", "E^2", "E^2 at phi=0");


Interpolate field data to a grid of theta and phi angles.


theta = linspace(-90,90,10);
phi = linspace(0,45,11);
Theta = meshgridx(theta,phi);
Phi = meshgridy(theta,phi);
E2_angle = farfieldspherical(E2,ux,uy,Theta,Phi)

But, with the above-mentioned code for XY-half space, i can only generate the following plot

But, i need to generate a grid of theta and phi as mentioned in the 1st plot. So, is there any way to generate a grid plot from the above mentioned script for xy_half space?