Ansys Employee

Hi Raphael,

I'm glad to hear that you made more progress in your model using Workbench LS-DYNA.

In the 2nd picture you sent, see the entry "Automatic Mass Scaling" that is set to No. This is where you can work on the speed of your simulation by utilizing mass scaling. However, as mentioned earlier, this option should be employed with caution and if you have already obtained reasonable results without using mass scaling, I would suggest you proceed with it.

As another suggestion, you can give the object an initial velocity instead of force since in impact tests you likely don't have the force information at hand, and you only know the velocity at impact.

You can find the maximum principal strain in the wire. Before running the analysis, select Analysis Settings, and then set "Strain" under Output Controls to Yes. After running the analysis, select the Solution branch, and then click on the Worksheet (picture below) where you can report EPTO1 which is the major principal component of the total strain.