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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Ansys TwinBuilder CO-Simulation with Matlab for PMSM control Reply To: Ansys TwinBuilder CO-Simulation with Matlab for PMSM control

Ansys Employee

Hello Philipp Bolsinger,

      There is an example for PMSM control in AEDT installation folder in C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v241\Win64\Examples\Twin Builder\Applications\PowerSystem\PMSM_SpeedControl_EMI.aedt. You can use "File > open examples" to find it too. 

      You have to use speed and angle from Motion to determine frequency and phase angle for the controller. Please login customer portal to find more information if possible. 

      1). Co-simulation between Maxwell and Twin Builder/Simplorer

      2). Simulink Co-Simulation with Simplorer