
OK.  Let's try this again:  Sorry, been very busy at work and have been distracted.

I am trying to download the latest version of LS-Dyna.

I go to this link and log in:

My original selections were the default latest version.  The only thing changed is what OS I want.  I chose Windows.

This is what it offers me only: ls-dyna_smp_s_R15.0.1-2-g33b3b97063_winx64_ifort190_installer.exe

I was able to oringinally download that file w/o issue.  After that initial download, it never worked again.  I have to reload the page in order to get it to let go because it freezes the page or it takes me to apage saying "not found" in the upper left corner. 

In order to get any download to work now, I have to go back and select an older version.  I want back to R 14.1.

It agve me two links:  This time first file download, but hte second one hangs the pc again.

So, I go back to R 13.1.  The only file it shows is: ls-dyna_smp_s_R13.1_winx64_ifort190_installer.exe

None included the WinSuite package that our professors want. 

Since none of the above worked, I chose advanced section.

As above, I  had to go back to R13.` to get any results to work.  And the result is just the same.  No manger.  By default, in the advanced section, WinInst is checked by default.  I leave it checked because I want it.  Still no resluts.  I unchecked ifort and it didn't care, it gave me the ifort file anyways.  Again, no manger.

Currenlty we are running R8 and it has everything.  So, I went avove and checked R8.  Again, no mWinSuite manager. 

I have tried 3 different browsers at work and my personal pc at home.  I get the exact same issue.  In Google, I get "not found", in Firefox it hangs the page and I have to reload and in Seamonkey it hangs the page and I have to reload.  If I go to older versoins in any of these browsers, I get results that I can download, but none include the manager.

I don't understand why the lateest version does not include the WinSuite, but ok.  What version does and I'll take that.

Our faculty need it and I'm trying to get it. 

The site may be working for you, but it certainly is not working correctly for me as described above.


bob o