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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Arbitrary sign for eigen mode Reply To: Arbitrary sign for eigen mode






Here is an example with s-parameter sweep in FDTD.



## design
x_shift = 100e-9; # length of blocks
y_shift = 1e-9; # offset for the first and last blocks
K = 3;
for (k=0:K){
    addrect; set("name", "rect"+num2str(k));
set("x span",x_shift);
set("y",0);set("y span",1e-6);
set("z",0);set("z span",0.2e-6);
set("material", "Si (Silicon) - Palik");
### off set the first and last blocks
setnamed("rect0", "y", -y_shift);
setnamed("rect"+num2str(K), "y",  y_shift);
## solver
set("x min",-x_shift/2);set("x max",(K+0.5)*x_shift);
set("y",0);set("y span",K*y_shift+2e-6);
set("z",0);set("z span",1e-6);
set("mesh accuracy", 4);
setresource("FDTD", "GPU", true);
setnamed("FDTD", "express mode", true);
## ports in the middle of each block
for (k=0:K){
    set("x", k*x_shift);
  if (1.5 < k){set("direction", "Backward");}
set("auto update", false);
set("frequency dependent profile", false);
set("mode selection", "user select");
set("selected mode numbers", 2); # 2nd mode is antisymmetric and will show the issue
seteigensolver("correct backward propagating modes", false);
seteigensolver("correct backward propagating modes when pml is present", false);

wavelength = 1560e-9;
setglobalsource("set frequency", true);
setglobalsource("center wavelength", wavelength);
setglobalsource("wavelength span", 0);
setglobalmonitor("wavelength center", wavelength);
setglobalmonitor("frequency points", 1);
setglobalmonitor("wavelength span", 0);
setglobalmonitor("use source limits", 1);

## s-parameter sweep
sweepdata = getsweepresult("s-parameter sweep","S matrix");
Smat = pinch(sweepdata.S); # scattering matrix

### see the issue when propagating from port 3 to 4 vs from 
?conj(Smat(3,1))*Smat(4,1); # excite port 1, and look at the propagating from port 3 to 4
?conj(Smat(3,2))*Smat(4,2); # excite port 2, and look at the propagating from port 3 to 4
?conj(Smat(2,4))*Smat(1,4); # excite port 4, and look at the propagating from port 2 to 1
?conj(Smat(2,3))*Smat(1,3); # excite port 3, and look at the propagating from port 2 to 1

neff_list = matrix(K+1);
S0 = matrix(K+1,K+1);
for (k=1:K+1){
    NEFF = getresult("FDTD::ports::port "+num2str(k), "neff");
    neff_list(k) = NEFF.neff;
    mode1 = getresult("FDTD::ports::port "+num2str(k), "mode profiles");
    for (j=1:K+1){
        mode2 = getresult("FDTD::ports::port "+num2str(j), "mode profiles");
        cr12 = pinch(cross(mode1.E2, mode2.H2));
        cr11 = pinch(cross(mode1.E2, mode1.H2));
        cr22 = pinch(cross(mode2.E2, mode2.H2));
        cr12 = integrate(pinch(cr12(:,:,1)), [1,2], pinch(mode1.y), pinch(mode1.z));
        cr11 = integrate(pinch(cr11(:,:,1)), [1,2], pinch(mode1.y), pinch(mode1.z));
        cr22 = integrate(pinch(cr22(:,:,1)), [1,2], pinch(mode1.y), pinch(mode1.z));
        S0(j,k) = cr12/sqrt(cr11*cr22);
## modes have minus signs