March 20, 2024 at 4:55 pm
Shyam Prasad V Atri
look i figured a way to some how make it work on the GUI. Now i want to transilate it into a script of python and i am able to do so one or two bodies i am not able to repeat that
# Python Script, API Version = V20
# Intersect Bodies
targets = Body1
tools = Body2
options = MakeSolidsOptions()
result = Combine.Intersect(targets, tools, options, Info1)
# EndBlock
# Intersect Bodies
targets = Body1
tools = Body3
options = MakeSolidsOptions()
result = Combine.Intersect(targets, tools, options, Info2)
# EndBlock
when i do tools=Body5 and do the process it does not work..when i look at the tree
There is nothing called as body5 everything has a name called as component.. please tell me how to proceed is there a way i can list out all the bodies?Â