Hi, my model is a little different from the linked discussion, my supervisor told me to do it as a 3D model not using symmetry to replicate the experiment conducted as seen in the photo below.
All the supports use flexible stiffness behaviour. I was thinking of changing this to rigid but the face split on my top roller makes the geometry invalid. Would it be a good idea to get rid of the face-split?
All the contacts are using auto-detection pinball region and adjust to touch interference treatment.
For my analysis settings, I have set the "displacement" of the top roller to -4mm in the y-axis over 120 seconds with 30 substeps. This seems to work fine. I then hold it at this displacement for 600 seconds with 30 substeps again and again seems to work fine. The problem comes when I take displacement in the y-axis back to 0mm over 10 seconds using 30 substeps and then the model comes out with an error saying the solution failed to converge over all time steps. The results then are only solved up until approximately halfway through this last sub-step as shown in the picture below, I assume this is when it loses contact. Is there a way to see results after losing contact? I want to see the permanent deformation in the y-axis after the displacement is removed.
I think the error is due to the contact region between the beam and the top roller. The other two supports are "remote displacements" that are fixed in all axes but allowed to rotate as in my real-life experiment they could. Any help would be much appreciated as I have been struggling for a while.