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February 7, 2024 at 3:45 pm
Dayana Behrens
thank you for your support.
The first part works, but I still cannot change the components of the pressure. When I try to add it to the code like that:
wbAnalysisName = '{3}'
for item in ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisList:
if item.SystemCaption == wbAnalysisName:
analysis = item
mycaption = analysis.SystemCaption
with Transaction():
import glob
import os
DataPath = r'{0}'
DataExtension = '{1}'
allfiles = glob.glob1(DataPath,"*." + DataExtension)
allfiles.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f))))
numfilestoload = len(allfiles)
importedloadobjects = [child for child in analysis.Children if child.DataModelObjectCategory.ToString() == "ImportedLoadGroup"]
usedimportedloadobj = importedloadobjects[-1]
importedPres = usedimportedloadobj.AddImportedPressure()
DefineByProp = importedPres.PropertyByName('PROPID_DefineByType')
DefineByProp = 0 # 0="Components", 2="Normal To"
namedsel_importedload = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName('{2}')[0]
importedPres.Location = namedsel_importedload
table = importedPres.GetTableByName("")
for i in range(numfilestoload-1):
for i in range(numfilestoload):
table[i][0] = "File"+str(i+1)+":"+str(allfiles[i])
table[i][1] = "File"+str(i+2)+":"+str(allfiles[i+1])
table[i][2] = "File"+str(i+3)+":"+str(allfiles[i+2])
table[i][3] = (i+1)*100
model2 = system2.GetContainer(ComponentName="Model")
model2.SendCommand(Language="Python", Command=mechScriptCmds)
When I run it nothing happens. I have of course tried several writing variations, but it doesn’t work. The components are apparently not turned on and therefore no further columns are created.
I also tried it like that, but it also doesnt work… I have seen this spelling several times, but never for imported pressure
ImportedPres.DefineBy = LoadDefineBy.Components
Best regards