Marton Ambrus

Dear Amrita,

I'm trying to do the sweep for the layers, and I haven't done it through the script section... although I'm starting to think I should. 

When I set up the sweep and for example I tell the software to sweep layer 6 from 1um to 3um and plot the results against the first 5 effective index results.. it does the sweep, but the effective index doesn't change, it stay the same value and hence a straight line for 5 different effective indexes. You may see it on the picture. Also, the thickness of the layer that I select doesn't seem to change/increase throughout the sweep.

I would want to see how an increasing layer of water on the waveguide would increase the effective index.

Should I set up the sweep through the script, and if yes, how would I need to do that? 
Thank You for your reply in advance!
