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Hello Peter,

It is working. Thanks a lot for your time and effort. I have a few questions.



  1. Can you please tell me what were the mistakes in my model?
  2.  I see that you have modified the geometric model. Will it be possible to obtain the same results in the geometric model that I created? If so, what changes should be made?
  3. I see the natural frequency values and mode shapes have changed significantly from what I obtained, even though the mass, the materials and the boundary conditions remain the same. What is the reason for that?
  4. Can you please explain the damping control given ? Because, ultimately I am supposed to find out the response of the system to different values of damping (damping ratio from 5-30 % applied on the beam mass system) and beam stiffness(by varying the length of the beam). Eventually, I also need to apply an active damping force on the mass by active velocity feedback control force. (schematic attached)
  5. Which frequency was considered to calculate the time step in the analysis?
  6. If I need to run this as a full transient analysis instead of MSUP , what boundary conditions and analysis settings should I give? 





Hope it is not a  trouble. This is my first time working with ansys and I am supposed to work with it for a long time and I don’t know anyone who can help. Once again, thanks a lot for the help.