Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Uncontinuous 2×2 MMI propagation profile Reply To: Uncontinuous 2×2 MMI propagation profile

Amrita Pati
Ansys Employee

Hi Songyu,

Thanks for sharing the screenshot. I believe the EME setup looks correct. As you previously menioned, the field distribution in the y-direction looks pixelated. You seem to be using a mesh override region, so I will ask you to reduce the mesh size. Also, what do the other results, like the total transmission look like? Do they look reasonable. I will also recommend you to perform convergence testing with regard to parameters such as the number of modes for expansion, the number of cells in the taper sections etc. I will suggest you to go through the following articles for more details on the convergence testing:

1.EME Convergence Testing: An Intuitive Approach

2. Convergence testing process for EME
