Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Background of DED-Simulation in Mechanical (MAPDL) Reply To: Background of DED-Simulation in Mechanical (MAPDL)

Jonas S


Thanks for the answer. I have now opened the ds.dat file with a text editor, but I cannot find any references to mathematical formulas for calculating the latent heat using the specific heat from the material data. Furthermore, the DED_Simulatin_Guide claims that the DED simulation in Ansys Workbench Mechanical is based on the Element-Birth / -Death method. However, the commands ekill and ealive cannot be found in the APDL script (ds.dat file). Therefore, my question is whether the ds.dat file actually contains the complete APDL script, which is solved with the MAPDL solver, or whether only an excerpt is saved here?
If so, where can I find the corresponding commands (ekill and ealive) as well as the mathematical consideration of the material data?
If not, which commands in the ds.dat file describe the aspects I am looking for (E-Birth / -Death, latent heat, heat conduction)?

Thanks in advance 