Christian Neuer

Hi Sampat,

thank you for your fast reply. I will attach a few pictures to further illustrate my problem:

1) The contacts are bonded for both glass/intumescent contacts and frictional for the glass/steel contact (since the glass probe is lying on the hotplate in this experiment) (friction coefficient 0.2)

contacts in the model and material assignments

2) a project overview with a temperature distribution at random timestep:

project overview and temperature distribution in thermal system

3) shows the last time step in the structural analysis with the intumescent fully expanded:

last time step of structural analysis with directional deformation shown

At the moment, as I said in my initial post, I always complete the thermal analysis first, then I use the temperatures calculated at each timestep in the structural analysis via “Imported Load” and perform the structural analysis. The way I try to compensate for the expansion in the thermal analysis is that I use a adapted λ (I divide the λ that the intumescent material would have at a certain temperature by the expansion rate).

So but what I want is as follows:

  1. Calculate time step 1 in the thermal system
  2. transfer the result to the structural system, calculate the time step there
  3. transfer the structural result back to the thermal system (if the intumescent has expanded, then the way the heat has to go through is longer, therefore the λ has no longer to be adapted)
  4. repeat until it is done


Can I do that somehow?

