Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Why FDE Eigen mode solver is giving different solution than Comsol FEM solver? Reply To: Why FDE Eigen mode solver is giving different solution than Comsol FEM solver?



Thank you fro your suggestion. Sorry for the confusion about the mesh size. Please look at the below results for a mesh size of 98 nm.

I see a difference in the results in cylindrical co-ordinate system but they are not proper modes as like as cartesian co-or. But What I understand is the eigen mode solver solves Maxwells equations in the respective co-ordinate system based on the symmetry of the structure that whatever the structure we create. If it is cylindrical symmetry, the solver solves in cylindrical co-or sys. Am I correct ? The x,y and z axes are just for the representation of geometrical co-ordinates. Please clarify.

I tried searching for 500 modes and looking for the higher order mode corresponding to lower effective index.

I see some closure results as similar as Comsol results but the extra garbage fields are coming in the straight waveguide region. How to reduce these fields ? What should be the cause of this ?