The Ansys Innovation Space website recently experienced a database corruption issue. While service has been restored there appears to have been some data loss from November 13. We are still investigating and apologize for any issues our users may have as a result.

Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Ansys vof(volume of fluid) Reply To: Ansys vof(volume of fluid)

Dear Rob
May i lastly know about problem i am facing of not able to get optimal y+ Y+ remain up to 600 globally...Except anisotropic adaptation, are there any other adaptation i can use to refine boundary layers?
i see we have Y+ adaptation, i dont know why you suggested Anisotropic adaptation over other adaptation ...whats reason?
I also dont my 2019 R3 Ansys Version Adapt Tab, i dont get option "Mark"...will it create some problem?(photo below)
And also, do 2019 R3 contains gradient adaptation tool, i dont see in my version
