February 7, 2021 at 1:40 am
nStress analysis is used to evaluate if the structure will survive the applied loads without failure. This involves simplifying the geometry, connections and boundary conditions in order to get a first solution quickly. This first solution reveals where the highest stress is in the structure. The simplified geometry and boundary conditions might have introduced many singularities, but they are of no interest if they are not at the location where the highest stress was found.nIf there is a singularity at the location of highest stress, then making a change to remove it is warranted. Adding a blend radius, or replacing a simple Fixed Support with a Bolt Preload and Contact.nIt's not useful to say that the stress 2 or 3 elements away is correct. We want to know the correct maximum value of stress and you can't know that without looking at the element with the maximum value of stress.nDid you complete the study to see if there is in fact a singularity at the edge of a face that has an applied force on a solid element mesh?nWhen two dissimilar materials are bonded together, such as one material deposited onto the surface of another material to form a coating, there is a step change in stress at the boundary of two materials with different values of Young's Modulus. Since the strain at the interface must be equal, the stress has to be different. But don't confuse a step change in stress at a boundary with a singularity. You can have a finite step change in stress at the boundary of dissimilar materials that does not increase without limit as the elements get smaller.n