Reporting Interphase Mass Transfer Rate in a Phase Change Simulation

How can interphase mass transfer rate (kg/s) be reported in a phase change simulation?

In a multiphase simulation, where one of the mass transfer mechanisms is employed, such as
- Cavitation
- Evaporation-condensation (Lee Model/Thermal Phase Change)
- Species-mass-transfer
- Boiling

Mass transfer rate can be reported using "Volume Reports"
Select report type as "Volume Integral"
Select field variable as "Phase Interaction..."
Select the appropriate mechanism, which are listed as "Mass Transfer Rate 1", "Mass Transfer Rate 2" and so on. The mechanism number in this list would be as per the order/number of mass transfer mechanisms invoked in the Phase Interaction panel.

This would report the mass transfer rate in [kg/s]. Please refer to the attached document for a snapshot of this report panel.