Several simulation examples are provided here. Each of them comes with a description file, video instructions, and Ansys simulation file. All of the simulations were conducted using Ansys software. Download the student version of Ansys simulation software here.
Review each stress component and equivalent stress over the toy drone blade.
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Go through the Readme file. Follow along with the provided How To Video file.
Standing in front of a large aquarium wall, where do you think the maximum stress is located? Review the load condition and stress result of this problem.
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Go through the Readme file. Follow along with the provided How To Video file.
Review this engine connecting rod analysis and check the stress level, how does it compare to the yield stress of steel?
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Go through the Readme file. Follow along with the provided How To Video file.
Conduct an analysis of a circular bar under torsional load at both ends. Extract the stress tensor components and principal stresses of a point on the bar and write them in a matrix format. What's the relationship between these numbers? What's the coordinate system of the stress tensor and the principal stress?
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Go through the Readme file. Follow along with the provided How To Video file.